Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ok time for co-worker gossip.

So my receptionist (lets call her L) who married JC, from Mexico recently went into details about their marriage.

Here is a bit of timeline so this makes sense -

August 2006 - she was in Mexico working at the mission for about 3 weeks.

Just before she left she was on a crazy Dr. Bernstein diet that made her loose 40 pounds in 2 months or something crazy.

Anyhoo, for the 3 weeks she was in Mexico she met JC and hit it off.

She came back and announced she had met someone and was going to go back to Mexico for Christmas. Meanwhile, talking to JC on the phone everyday. JC speaks English but has a limited knowledge of it.

Then, after I came back from my vacation in November - she announces that JC was coming here instead of her going there. I thought it was a bit odd. She was like, oh, the mission had closed down (which it has) and he was coming up here to meet her and spend time.

Now, both are born again Christians so they wouldnt live together unless they were married. She sends him money to get his passport and for the flight. He was coming up here start of December and she had decided that the day he showed up - they would get married.

She had already applied for the marriage license and stuff.

Between the time she announced he was coming up here (start of November) and he showed up (Start of Dec)- she had asked him to get a copy of his divorce papers. You see, apparently JC had been married in the past and had at least one child who is now in college. He was also a drug dealer and was in jail. He had told all of this to her before they decided to get married. Which is fine. Whatever.

Anyhoo, he shows up at Vancouver airport and is questioned by the immigration officials. He tells them the truth about his past and the fact that Jesus was the saviour and he had left that life behind. Lo and behold, he is given a visa to stay in Canada for 6 months.

Now, he is here, they get married the same day and L is now a married woman.

End of December, is the staff Christmas party and there are 3 of us. We were supposed to go to this restaurant that L was looking forward to. We show up and there was a message from L saying she is too sick to make it. We have a grand time and dont think much of this.

Start of January, she says she has been thinking about sponsoring JC for awhile and I tell her from personal experience that immigration takes about a year and she should apply asap. She kept telling me she needs to talk to a lawyer and needs the funds. All very valid but still, I say "dont delay otherwise - he has to leave the country in 6 months." She keeps telling yes, will do.

Fast forward to present - she has to go to Mexico for her daughter's wedding. She gets the tix in order and decides that both her and JC will go back to Mexico and he will come back into Canada the same way he did last time. Except there is nothing saying that he will get the visa and he will get an officer who takes his past lightly.

So last week, we were just discussing the fact that she has to apply for his immigration. She mentions that apparently, last christmas, she found out that he wasnt divorced yet. Apparently his divorce isnt finalized yet. He is still married to the woman in Mexico and the papers he gave her were just the papers filed to ask for a divorce. He did not know that he wasnt divorced. Which I find to be far fetched. How do you not know you are divorced or not?

Anyways, L is under the impression that her marriage to JC is still valid. Which apparently is not the case. Her marriage becomes void.

What is all the more interesting in this story is that JC seems to be an extremely possessive guy. He calls her at least 5 times a day. Her cell goes off all the time and if she doesnt answer he will immediately call on the office line.

There have been two separate occasions where he has called and asked me or my other co-worker if L is infact attending an event or a meeting as she had said she was. Like calling and asking for L and then when we say oh she is out, he will ask if she is attending the earthquake safety meeting? Both me and my co-worker find this very odd. I mean, the woman got you here, she is paying for everything - food, clothes, she bought him an ipod for Christmas - (I cant afford one so how she did that I dont know.) and she is going to apply for immigration.

The other thing is that L has been married in the past. In fact, this is her 5th marriage. She is also always complaining that she has put back the pounds she lost. She is also always complaining that JC eats too much, he takes up too much space and so on.

Oh, one other thing, I dont know if its related since the time she has been married to JC - she has been constantly sick. Like something or the other is wrong. She is always getting crazy coughs and feeling horrible. Yesterday, she was telling me she gets shingles everything she strains her body. Something odd is going on.

I just hope this one turns out okay.


laura b. said...

That whole situation sounds highly suspect in many ways. Probably the resolution will be that JC ends up back in Mexico. Seems like all in all that would really be for the best.

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Vi said...

It's gonna all end in tears. I think I said that in the beginning. But I DO love the update on it all! Keep us posted!

Viki said...

Yea, it is not going to end well. She doesnt seem to realize what she has gotten herself in. We will just have to wait and watch.