Monday, March 31, 2008

Here is what IMDB has to say on Myers new movie....

Actor Mike Myers has sparked controversy in Hindu communities for "lampooning" the religion in his new movie The Love Guru. The 44-year-old plays Guru Pitka in the upcoming film and repeats the mantra of Mariska Hargitay - inspired by the American actress - as his calming technique. But Hindu leader Rajan Zed has accused Myers of stereotyping the culture, adding the movie "appears to be lampooning Hinduism and Hindus." Studio Paramount Pictures has agreed to a preview of the movie for Hindu leaders prior to its release. A spokesman says, "Love Guru, which is not yet complete, is a satire created in the same spirit as Austin Powers. It is our full intention to screen the film for Rajan Zed and other Hindu leaders once it is ready."

Here is my cents -

It mentions "Hindu Communities" I would like to know which one. See here it seems like all us Hindus are against the movie. Moreover, it seems that Hindu Communities - seems to include all those hindus! WTF?

"Hindu leader Rajan Zed..." -I would like to know who this Rajan guy is and why IMDB has made him a leader of all hindus. Just wondering. Cause you know, its not we have a pope or anything but it does sound like the IMDB ppl believe that we are united under the leadership of this one crazy Rajan guy. Also studios screening movies for Hindu leaders sounds like they are trying to appease one crazy group who happen to be Hindus. Thats like trying to make one group of ppl happy bc they are crazy and they happen to all be left handed.

I also wonder why we as Hindus get so much flak. I mean its not like we force conversion on ppl or go out imposing our beliefs on others. Most of the times that doesnt happen. Yes, there are a few fanatics out there, like the BJP in India going all loco - but really, most of the times we just do our thing and be ourselves.

I think Mike Myers film will be funny. I mean I am just saying given some of his past movies. Besides, we all know there are enough crazy sex obsessed gurus out there who are out to get your money. So making fun of them - in a light hearted comedy wont kill anyone. I am certainly sure, Myers wasnt thinking "oh yea, I guess I should piss off a bunch of ppl, now maybe lets target those hindu gurus out there".

I do say all this recognizing that there are serious religious gurus out there and not all are fakes. No disrespect to them. Also, I think that IMDB running a story the way they are doing is stupid and that at least they should have some courtesy to read up on hinduism before calling some crazy guy a hindu leader.

Just sayin.

1 comment:

Vi said...

It seems like any movie with any sort of religion in it gets slandered.

As you said, it's just a bit of fun!