Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sometimes I dont believe how intolerant people can be.

I think its fine if other people around you are intolerant but if its your own parents - it can kill you.

I also dont understand how some parents can think of hurting their children emotionally and physically. I think physical scars go away but the emotional one remain and just stay there if they dont get deeper.

i think a lot of people dont realize what it is to not have children. To not have the joy of someone young and innocent who you can share the world with. I mean, there are people out there who would give everything just to have a child - biological or adopted, black or white or brown, girl or boy, straight or gay, a normal healthy child or one with some problems. Whatever - they will take it. And then there are idiots who dont get it. Who are blessed with babies and dont realize what it means. We have had at least one case in Vancouver where the father killed his three year old daughter b/c she was a girl. Yes, he was brown. I dont think or care what his justification was to do that - I dont care what he thought he was entitled to - what he did was wrong.

Then there are parents who force their gay children to be straight or who force kids to be lawyers when they want to be dancers. It just doesnt end. And I think that a person can expect and maybe live with all of this if only it werent their parents. It is all the more harder to accept yourself - when your own parents dont get it.

It breaks my heart. I know people who dont have kids and trust me, they would do anything to get one. Anyone. They dont care what the kids looks like, what it eats, what music the kids likes. A kid is all they want. And then I know assholes who should not have kids.


Vi said...

It breaks my heart when I hear of children being abused or killed by there parents. They should be made sterile then thrown in jail for the rest of their lives.

laura b. said...

That's a fact. While there are people who would be grateful for any child to share their lives, there are people breeding like rats who should not have children just to abuse and damage them.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Viki...I like you. You said everything I feel in my heart.

It broke my heart the first time I saw a child abused. I was 8 years old and rember it vidily. I remember I was wearing a pink dress and was playing in the back yard, peering through the fence into my neighbors yard. I saw the man next door hit his son who was about 16-17 years old with a baseball bat on his shoulder. I ran crying to my eldest brother who was 18 years old and told him. The boy was his friend...he ran out there and told the man off in Italian. I remember holding on to my big brother was terrible to see and the poor boy...held his arm in pain.

This subject always gets me in a mood and I can't help but get angry with people who don't understand the blessing they have in having children.

Viki said...

vi, laura, spiky - I just get it. I dont think ppl value what they have and in terms of children that is more true.
It just sucks that as grown ups you can be so focussed on something that everything else falls back.

I wish I could slap such idiots who dont value their own kids. Whatever they might be.