Friday, November 02, 2007


So my co-worker, the racist or mildly racist one is talking to herself. I can hear her. There is a reason for this.

While she was in Mexico helping her step-mom runn a christian mission, she met someone. This guy who I will call JC, also works at the mission. Anyways, that was a few months ago. They met and fell in love.

JC is now coming here to be with her. She is paying for him to get his passports, get his tix and all the other neccessary things. She doesnt make much but she is doing all of this. This is why she is talking to herself. I think it is sweet. I am so happy for her. I hope everything works out well for her. She has had such a hard life.

From what I can gather, her father was abusive - she had not so good childhood. Grew up to be a stripper, did drugs, lived on the streets and then one day she found God and completely did a 180 degree turn. She is awesome at her job, volunteers all available time to the church, buys food for the homeless she runs into, gives her cell phone number to women living on the street in case they want to make a change, looks after her grandkids, and is now looking forward to being with her new man. She is one of my heroes. I think it takes a lot of courage in doing what she has done.

Is there anyone you admire?


Vi said...

Vicky, when I first started reading this I thought 'He's only with her so he can get into your country'

I really hope this isn't the case, but it happens all the time.

Let's hope it IS true love.

Viki said...

vi - It can be but also it can be true love. I came under the same circumstances. J and I met in India, he is Canadian I was not - long story short here I am and dont plan to leave J.

I am hopeful just because I think she deserves something good.

laura b. said...

All her kindness seems at odds with her being even mildly racist. Hopefully, she will let that go someday.
My hero is my mom.

Lala said...

Eeeps! You are cool for finding nice things to say about racist pseudo-psychotic co-workers!!