Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ok, apparently I am obsessed by this fake eyelashes girl. I have seen her several times and blogger about her here.

She was wearing fake eyelashes and they just look weird. Its too early, you are not Christina Aguilara and no one needs fake eyelashes first thing in the morning. I dont care who you are!

Seriously, one of these days I am going to follow her and see what she does for a living that requires her to wear giant eyelashes....

Wow, someone is feeling bitchy today!


Vi said...

Maybe she jsut hasn't got any and needs to wear them cause she looks even more weird without them? I've been thinking about them this week, cause a sty I had made me lose a chunk of lashes, and looks strange having this space in my lashes.

laura b. said...

Maybe she is a stripper on her way to the day shift!

Viki said...

vi and laura - I dont know. Maybe she has none - which makes sense as why would you wear eyelashes that early?

Stipper - well, she is like in her early 20s. As I understand from J, strippers doing day shift arent usually that good looking - which she sort of is. I dont know....