Friday, November 16, 2007

So I met JC....
He seems like a nice guy. Very relaxed and very genuine. I consider myself to be a pretty good judge of ppl so we will see if this one works.
Good for my co-worker!

In other news, my bowl of strawberries disappointed me. Yes, strawberries in November should have been my first clue but I wasnt.
I took them out of the fridge this morning put them in my bag and took the bag with me.
I walking to the bus stop all the while thinking "I am going to eat you strawberries".
I got on to the bus and found a seat.
I peeked into my bag - looked at them - all red, juicy and waiting to be eaten.
I told them - "Just wait till I get to the office! Just wait".
My stop came and got out and started walking towards the office building and into the elevator to the 20th floor. Strawberries still waiting...and the thought of eating them bringing joy in my otherwise dull life.
I got into the office - threw my stuff on the chair and retrived the bag of strawberries.
Took them to the kitchen, washed them with care and then realized....some of them were squishy and brown and not entirely edible.

Damn stupid strawberries!


Vi said...

aaaawwww, poor strawberries. They managed to travel half the world probably to get to you, and got all bruised in your bag to work!

Anonymous said...

vi - I blame the strawberries not the bag. They were evil I think.

laura b. said...

Naughty strawberries trying to deny you your delicious treat. I hope at least a couple of them were edible and juicy and sweet.