Monday, September 24, 2007

what else?

Monday is by far the most difficult day of the week. You enjoyed two full days of doing nothing or doing things that actually please you and then, Monday comes and you've got to do things you dont want to!

Anyhoo, its nearly time for me to go away to Italy. I am excited and looking forward to it! I cant wait to get away from work! Its getting more and more difficult to work here and I can actually feel the strain of things when I walk in. The only thing that keeps me coming is the paycheque, of course, and my co-workers!

Anyways, a month away will be good!


Vi said...

A month? Wow, I'm jealous!

laura b. said...

I would find it hard to concentrate on work too if I were you! What a cool adventure to be looking forward to!

Viki said...

vi - about a month. 3 weeks more like it. It will be good.

laura - yes, concentrating will be hard for the next few days but I will slog through!

Lala said...

WOW - a month in Italy??!! Thatll be AMAZING! Whereabouts are you going? I was in the North about a month ago and it was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful - everything you can imagine and more!!! I would be counting down the days too!!!