Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Definately Not Pregnant

I just got my period. So no babies. I am disappointed - but will live through it.

On the positive side - I can drink Italian wine! Ohhhhh, Italian wine!

I got home last nite and 2 glasses of wine - cause I thought I deserved it and I needed it.

Anyhoo, I had a dream I was walking around half naked in front of my in-laws and uncle.

It was very weird. But then I just saw the Dreamers - so maybe not so much!?

Thats it from me today!


Vi said...


but i found out, when I had 'late periods' that it wasn't long after that I actually DID fall pregnant! So you maybe just that little bit closer

laura b. said...

Ah well, you still have the vivid dreams going on! And another month of being able to indulge doesn't sound too bad either :-)

Lala said...

Yum, wine!

Viki said...

vi - I hope you are right!

laura - no - another month of wild drinking and crazy parties, not a bad thing!

lala - yes, yum wine but more yum - italian wine!