Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sick Co-worker.

My co-worker, G, is like super sick. It started last Thursday, she was coughing like no tomorrow. Her eyes were watering and she looked like death.

I kept telling her go home. As in, go home - you look like hell and I am sure that feels like hell. She kept saying she was getting a ride home (she usually comes by train). Anyways, I got a call from her right now saying that she was taking the week off as her doctor had advised it. She also mentioned, in passing, that she was having nosebleeds and rectal bleeding and her platelet count was low. Her doctor had taken her off all medication and put her on super powerful steroid and that she was hoping to see a hematologist.

Ok, bleeding, low-platelet count and hematologist - all of this sounds pretty damn serious to me. Like I would not bother about work and just sleep.

She was talking about coming to work on Friday as she had things to do. Yes, while she is bleeding out, she is worried about events that need to go on.

Now there is difference between being loyal and getting work done and being just plain stupid. Unfortunately G is plain stupid. She gives herself and her work way too much importance. More than she has ever been given. I feel like telling her this upfront. Of course, I wont. But really when your body is clearly giving to warning signs, you take them and you do stop.

I do hope she will be alright.

In other random work related news, I finally sent my bosses an email outlining when I am taking my vacation and what date I start my mat leave. G, gave her 3.5 months of notice and this started a panic. They are now in the process of hiring a new ED asap. Bad Idea, me thinks. I mean, hire someone, just not in a panic and not b/c they have to. I also blame G, for this as there was no need for her to give notice this far in advance.

Partially I think they are going to make my last few months before mat leave hell. Just b/c they can. Whatever, I am so over this that I literally cannot wait until I am officially on mat leave. I will get bored at home but it will be better than being here. Anything will be better than being here right now.

Thats about all.


laura b. said...

Wow, G sounds like she could be seriously ill. That 3.5 months notice could be spent a whole different way than she thinks.

Don't let them make your life hell though! Come in, do your job, and don't take anyone's crap.

Vi said...

Just keep counting down the days hon. Not long now before you can get out of there!

Viki said...

laura - yea, G needs to get better. She thinks everything will stop if she is not here. Which may or may not be true, I dont know. Cold, hard fact is - she is 60+, if she doesnt get better now, she might never be.

Vi - yea, I have kind of given up. I just want to finish get till July 2 and then I wont have to think of this for another year!