Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My rant

Ok, i have to rant about this. My apologies in advance.

What is the freaking deal with freaking hallmark days? Really?

Am I missing something or am I just plain weird who doesnt get it?

You have Valentine's day, freaking mothers and fathers day. They are NOT holidays. Why am I forced to "celebrate" them? Why?

I hate celebrating anything hallmark tells me I should celebrate. I dont need some card company to tell me when exactly I should spend money for my sweetie. I dont want stupid card company to tell me that I have one day, only one day to love my mum or dad. Why cant I love them whenever and why does loving them, anyone of them, have to cost money. Last I checked you didnt need money to love someone.

I hate that a card company makes up these rules and world goes around following them. I mean I dont know other parts of the world but Canada goes ga-ga over Valentine's day or Mothers day.

Its sooooo stupid and irritating. Moreover, its completely discriminatory to ppl who dont have someone to love or are not mothers or dont have a mother or father. Does no one see this?

Of course, this also comes from the fact that my mother in law, absolutely insists on having her day celebrated. Like she calls ppl up a week before to remind them that mothers day is coming and we'd better do something. When we dont make a big fuss about it - like take her to a really expensive restaurant she throws a hissy fit. What I hate more is that from now on, she will make an extra big deal about this and will force me to be a part of this idiotic routine. I hate these "days". I actually there is something morally wrong in celebrating your status in the world which excludes other members...but I know that from now on, every mothers day will have to be extra special. I feel like slapping her at times like this.

Anyhoo, this is my rant. I am sorry if you feel otherwise....

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