Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I feel awful. I barely slept all night.

I wish I could talk to someone, anyone who can understand.

J is completely pissed off at me for saying I didnt want a big shabang for the godh bharai (indian baby shower). He said that I have been super negative about this whole baby thing. Everything I have said and done so far has been negative - he said. I agree. I wanted a small ceremony and then a big thing when the baby was born. I said that but that has fallen off the way side.

It is true I was negative. I didnt mean it to be but it I came off as negative. My intention has been opposite. I wanted to make him feel included but apparently did the opposite. He mentioned things like me being a vegetarian and how I chose not to eat meat while I am pregnant and I didnt even know this was supposed to be a discussion topic. When we first found out about the pregnancy I was freaking out about the whole delivery thing. I mentioned to the midwife that I wanted an epidural cause I was freaked out. Over time I had a chance to read things, calm down and I changed my mind. I told this to the midwife - and Jitesh was pissed off for me doing that.

I didnt mean to leave him out - I didnt know this was such a big deal. He was the one who was pissed off for me choosing to take medication and when I changed my mind, I thought that is what he wanted. Apparently not.

He has been excited about the baby. I have been too. But I worry over things. I worry over every little minute thing and whenever I say anything, I come off as negative. He wanted to buy furniture for the baby and I said we should wait, he said he wanted to know the sex of the baby I said I didnt but he could if he wanted to, he wanted a changing table, I pointed out we have no place for it. Things like that. You can see how everything I said - must have been crushing and negative. Yet, that was not my intention.

I have said all of this to him. But I dont know what to do anymore. He said he doesnt care about me or the baby. I am fine about him not caring about me (I kind of deserve that) - but the baby?

I really am at loss as to what to say and what to do. I registered online he hasnt even seen what is on the registry - he hasnt picked anything for the baby, he rarely if ever talks to the baby. I get he is angry and I get that is my fault but I just wish he wouldnt take it out on an unborn child. I feel so alone right now. I literally have no one to talk to, I have no one to turn to. If my parents were in the same continent at least I would be able to go over there. I have no one.

I have hurt the one person I didnt want to hurt. All I wanted was to keep him included and be happy. This pregnancy has been nothing but worrisome. I talked to my mil. I apologized for being negative and bitchy about this event. She was good. She understood why I wanted certain ppl not to be there. I just wish I could take all this back and do things all over again. But I cant.

I really dont know what to do.

Why do I screw up every single time? I am tired of screwing up. I dont want to anymore. I just want to be happy for once. I want J to be happy and I do nothing but bring him misery.

i want to take all the hurt back, I want him to be happy and not be afraid of buying things for the baby or buying a camcorder or whatever. I never said he couldnt do that, but he pointed out that there are other things I said that came off as negative. I wasnt trying to be negative. I merely being practical. We dont have place for a changing table, I have never wanted to know the sex of the baby, but time and again, I said - J should go ahead. He wanted both of us to know. I just dont know how to correct this wrong.


laura b. said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I'm sure that J is only expressing his own fears and worries, taking it out on the person closest to him. Of course he cares about you and the baby. He is a first timer, just like you, and frightened and uncertain, like you. Also, I am sure that he will realize, when he thinks it over, that you are not negative, but cautious. I am sure I am only saying things you already know...but I just wanted you to know that I can feel your pain at this moment and am here for you.

Vi said...

Sweetie, he's just feeling left out. All dad's go that way. You are the one carrying the baby, experiencing all of it. I'm afraid it may get a littl worse when the baby comes, because he'll be jealous of all the attention you give the child.

Just let him know you want to involve him as much as possible. Remember, you ARE extremely hormonal, you are both being too sensitive.... but it's NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!

Viki said...

Laura and Vi - thanks!!!

Really that helps. I am just trying to involve him as much as I can. The prenatal classes begin this week so that should help a bit...