Monday, October 16, 2006


I saw the earthquake in Hawaii. Just like I saw the earthquake/tsunami in Asia. No I was in neither of these places when it happened.

Do you think I am crazy? If you do - that's fine with me.

If you don't - well, here is what is freaking me out.

I saw the earthquake/tsunami in Asia. I was sleeping...I had a dream. A very vivid dream. There was an earthquake and there was water everywhere. I was looking for my sister - she had run outside cause we had an argument. Anyways, I ran after her and all I could see and as far as I could see - there was water. In the dream, I found my sister clinging to the base of the house. All the houses were on slilts and my sister was clinging on to one of them.

Anyways, I woke up and saw the headlines. There was an earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia. I was freaked out but thought it was a weird coincidence. I moved on.

Then I had a dream about the London bombings. I had a dream about a bomb going off on a train. As usual I was looking for my sister and I woke up to find that a bomb had gone off in London.

I had a similar dream about the bombs going off in Bombay.

I also had a dream about a bus getting into an accident and the people drowning. The same day, I woke up that a bus indeed had an accident in Tamil Nadu and the passengers drowned.

I am writing this post because of the Hawaii earthquake. I had dream about the earthquake and there were landslides and things falling. I was trying to protect my sister and a turtle (god knows why a turtle, but yes, I tried to save it). I didn't know anything about the earthquake until that evening.

Now this all may be a coincidence. We all know that there are hundreds of earthquakes happening everyday. In this day and age - we cant be all that surprised about bombings either. I must have seen TV with a program about turtles. Whatever, maybe I am crazy but a small part of my thinks I am not.

And I am freaking out. I haven't told anyone close to me cause I don't want them to think I am crazy or an attention seeker but I need to let this one out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how scary it is to see these things in dreams and then they actually come to pass. I have had some crazy dreams that I couldn't explain. I like your blog, very cool. I went to Infinite Advice and a psychic there helped me understand my dream and was thankful for some guidance.