Saturday, October 07, 2006

I love reading blogs...
They are a way of connecting people across time and space. They are say written 3 years ago in a city in U.K or India, written by a person whom you probably will never meet, but will know the slightest little things that bug them. Their stories become part of you - you read a post and take it with you. You think about what it said, why the person mentioned it in the first place. It truly connects people in a way that no other medium does.

Contrary to most other bloggers - I don't want to be a writer. I am not going to lie - I have thought more than once that I should write a book. But that is not why I am writing my blog. I am writing it because it keeps me on track. Let me explain.

I moved to Vancouver from Bombay some 6 years ago. No, I never dreamed about living in a foreign land, far away from the most awesome city in the world. I met someone - I was 19 he was 29 and I knew I had to give it a try. We connected and we still do after about 7 years of being married. And I am glad I gave it a try. So I moved to his country as I spoke English and he spoke no Hindi what so ever. And I moved to Vancouver and found it incredibly hard to move on. Move on from Bombay. I am still stuck. I love Bombay too much. It kills me everyday that I am not there. I miss my family - whom I have not seen for 4 years (there are other reasons - which might be outlined in some other post)

It was hard being in a country so different from mine. Hard to understand the totally different priorities people have here. I have nothing against them or this country. But its very different. Its been too hard sometimes, Yet, I think I have adjusted well. I am done my bachelors in Anthropology and Geography (yes, hence the space and time thingy at the start of the post). I have a job - though not permanent - I still get paid a decent amount and I actually like what I do.

All this has a downer though. I became incredibly negative with every thing in my life. Everything was too far - not enough. I know I wasn't that negative back home. I know it cause I always thought good things even when things around me didn't work. I would be optimistic. I wasn't anymore - 6 years into my life in Vancouver. There was nothing specific that made me that way - its just that my life was taking a toll on me. And then I started blogging. It hasn't been that long, about a month. But I am being positive. And you have to know that it has made a huge difference in my life. I am positive. I am not blindly so but I am positive and that's what I need. I need to look at life without the negative. I feel happy and different. Its good.

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