Tuesday, August 07, 2007

One of top of the other....

J did something stupid. Well he doesnt see it that way but I do.

He is a lawyer and was meeting a client - who works for a place I wouldnt mind working.
He mentioned something of the sort to them. They took it seriously and will now consider offering me a job.

I feel angry and totally useless. I did not want a job my husband found for me. I did not want any special mentions, I did not want anyone to know that I was married to him so that they could offer me a job.

I dont know what to feel. I mentioned this to him and he said something like - he just mentioned my name and the rest took its own course. They know who I am - I have sent them a few resumes. Fine - I do believe him. But - I still feel wierd. I dont how to explain it.

To top it off, this new position will be something I am slightly interested in. I like what I do now, here at my present job. I hate doing research and that is what this new job will be. I will get paid significantly better - which is good cause I barely make anything here. But, everything aside - I feel wierd and J doesnt see what the problem is. To make it worse - he did it out of the good of his heart. There was no malice and no bad thought when he was doing it.

Guess I just have to wait and see what happens.


laura b. said...

I think I can see what you are saying. Your husband meant well, but you want to find your next job on your own terms, in your own time. Seems understandable to me.

Viki said...

Lb - yea, he doesnt see anything wrong. I find that he has put me in a sticky situation. I really cant do anything - just wait and watch.

Viki said...

Lb - yea, he doesnt see anything wrong. I find that he has put me in a sticky situation. I really cant do anything - just wait and watch.