Friday, August 17, 2007

Diary of a crazy girl

I was chatting online with one of my old school mates. I have known this girl (lets call her Diane) since we were in grade/standard 8th. So quite awhile now. We have been in touch on and off.

I think she is crazy. No, like seriously something is wrong with her.

It was through Diane that I met my friend Violet, who is a really good friend and I keep in touch with her. Anyways, so a few months ago I was talking to Violet and she told me that she had been in touch with Diane.

Diane apparently complained to Violet that her parents were beating her up. Locking her in the house, not letting her see her friends, meet any guys and she could not talk on the phone without being monitored by her parents.

Yes, it sounds serious. I have also met her parents who are the sweetest people I have met. They are tiny compared to my friend and really love her. I could be wrong. People could pretend to be something they are not - so I guess my friend could be telling the truth. I give her the benefit of doubt.

After Violet knew of this - she asked Diane to call a few people - who were professionals in dealing with these sorts of things. Violet has worked as a social worker before she moved to UK. Violet expressed that Diane had to be the one to make the call - if we wanted help all she had to do was call and these people would help her out.

After this, if I am not mistaken - Violet talked to one of these professionals and told him all about Diane, gave him her phone number. Violet, then, moved to UK. This was all happening in Bombay and Diane is still there. I havent heard anything from Violet regarding this and nor from Diane.

Fast forward to now.

I have chatted a few times with Diane. We were good friends and it seems that technology has helped us to re-start that same old friendship. The few times I have chatted with Diane - she has mentioned numerous men, all attached, who keep hitting on her.

Guys we both knew growing up. Guys who at one point in time must have had a crush on her or asked her out. But they are all either married or have girlfriends. But they, supposedly, keep hitting on Diane. Wanting to get together with her, leave their partners for her and so on. This is all from Diane's prespective. As much as I want to believe all of this - I feel that there is something fishy going on. She always talks about guys we both knew. Guys who she was never interested in - at all. She wouldnt give them the time of the day back then and these guys supposedly still have something for her and would leave everything if only she gave them a chance. Hmmm, sounds a bit far fetched to me.

She has mentioned to me at least twice how these guys wives or girlfriends are extremely jealous of her. How she went to x guy's wedding and the bride was sulking and unhappy because Diane decided to attend the wedding. And everytime she says something like this - She sounds extremely happy. Like she actually enjoys this.

What makes it even more unbelievable is that she was supposedly to marry this distant cousin of hers, yes a cousin - very distantly attached, who was married to someone else. He was going to live his then wife and marry Diane. This however did not go over well with her parents who objected to the marriage.

Now, this just sounds crazy to me. I know Diane - very well.

I dont know if I should help, or even how to help given I am so far away.


laura b. said...

Your friend does sound like someone suffering from delusions of some sort. It must be hard to be so far away. Do you have any common friends who live nearer to her who could look in on her?

Viki said...

LB - Not anyone who I am really close to - whom I can tell all this. But it feels like something is going on...

Vi said...

Sounds like she's a bit of an attention seeker. Nothing you can do, just listen to her drivel.