Monday, August 27, 2007

My oh my...

To start - I was weird, awkward kid in school. Never fit in - was always sticking out like a sore thumb!

Forward to now - I just stumbled upon photos put up by an old friend on facebook. In there were photos of two ppl I knew who were going out like 8 years ago. They are engaged.

No, this is not a sappy post about ever lasting love - thats just not me. Its more of a bitchy post.

So these two (the couple) were like the coolest couple in school. And seeing their photos now - I wonder why?

They seem just ordinary ppl. Hmmm funny what times does to ppl!

This reminds of the movie High Fidelity where John Cusack's character realizes how lousy Catherine Zeta-Jones' character really is - after thinking for the longest time she was the coolest chick ever! That is what this moment is for me.

Oh well!


Lala said...

Ha ha! It's strange the things we project on people when we don't know them, like coolness, for instance.

Viki said...

lala - yea, it was a high fidelity moment.