Tuesday, August 07, 2007


This weekend was not good. On Friday we stayed home - nothing exciting. On Saturday we had J's friends over for dinner. This is after pleading w/ J to let me have his friends over - J doesnt really like to have ppl over our place. I dont know why.

So Saturday morning he goes to work - he had to. So it falls to me to cook, clean and shop for guests coming over. I do it. He comes home at 6 and his friends at 7 - everything is fine. Sunday morning was the Pride Parade - which goes right through the street next to us. I was so excited for it - as I have never been to one and since it was so close and all. J was invited by one of his boss for a pre-parade drink. I wake up with cramps in my stomach. I couldnt move. I tell J - go ahead I will meet up with you when I can. He doesnt go. I somehow take a bunch of painkillers and get ready and go. We arrive late to his place. No one answers to door (we couldnt tell if the buzzer was working). Anyways we come back. J is pissed. We get into an argument where he blames me for everything that went wrong in his life.

I miss most of the pride parade. Sometimes men are such babies. J can be so difficult. All I wanted to was to see the parade - I wont be able to see it next year cause we will have to move to the burbs to have children. As if, kids cant grow up in the city! God. Sometimes I dont understand this North American thinking. The need to have yards for kids to play or them to have seperate rooms - Pffft! I has nothing to do with kids. It has everything to do with what to want and what you want for your kids. Sometimes its just not necessary.


laura b. said...

Maybe J would be willing to compromise. You will agree to bear his children, but you get to pick where you guys live!

Viki said...

Lb- yea, I never saw it that way. Thanks!