Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I am in a completely different mood today.
Things have changed drastically for me.

Dont worry this is not another venting blog but more of let me focus blog.

I have decided I need to find another job. I know I have mentioned it a few times but I know now - that this has got to stop. I am getting too stressed out for things that I dont get paid to stress out over!

I get paid $3200 per month (which in Vancouver doesnt mean all that much) - and believe me when I say I do way more work than that amount covers! I feel like I am being taken advantage of and I dont like that one bit.

Either that or I need to get preggers asap - so I dont have to show up at work everyday with a feeling of some sort of impending doom over head.

I have also decided to unionize my work place. If that gets me fired - all well and good I can sue the company or simply go to law school. If not, people working here will get better pay and benefits. I think I will quit sooner or later regardless.

I hate this feeling. I simply hate but at the same time I know what I have to do.

All this because my position at this place is 'temporary'. As in, they want me to keep working as I am but dont want to give a permanent position and more pay.

So I have to call the stops but before I do I have to try to unionize this place - it will be for me but also some other poor soul who walks into this place.


laura b. said...

Wow, was this brought on by a build up of little injustices or one doozy?
You should definitely look for other work, as even well paying work is not worth getting so stressed and unhappy over.
I'm sure you can find something that will make you happier.

Lala said...

I can totally understand what you are feeling. I quit my job last year for what seems like similar reasons - under-pay, staying way later than everyone else despite the fact that my work was not acknowledged, an asshole boss, etc. Go to law school or find a new job. Don't know you, personally, but I can tell from the way you write that you are worth way more!!!

Anonymous said...

lb - not one thing, but there is always that straw that breaks the camel's back! I just had mine. It is a series of things - under-pay, too much stress, great boss but an okay manager, advising ppl about their careers without too much guidence, covering for my boss....
I could go on.

Lala - yes, in the end its just not worth it. I need to find another job before I quit mine. But I will try my best to unionize this place before I go. But all in all - I am done.
Yes, I do need to be paid more. Not because I am oh so fine, but the work that I do - deserves more pay. It sucks though - I do like what I do....in a way.