Friday, June 08, 2007


This guy that I sometimes work with, who is sort of my boss, has difficulty looking at me when he talks to me.

No, he is not shy - he just talks to my chest!

Its funny cause I can see that he is trying real hard to look at me when he is talking but invariably his eyes go down....

I want say "heeeellllooo, I am here" but I cant he is sort of my boss. Plus, I dont really see him that often.

Usually this would completely piss me off but I find it kind of funny.


Just a toy said...

I think most men would find it hard to not take a quick peek.

Brian said...

I blame you, the poor bloke can't help himself, he's a man :)

Philip. said...

Does your chest not talk back??? :-)

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that seems very timid - thus, I find it hilarious - I could so take him down if I needed to!

laura b. said...

If you ever know ahead of time that you are going to be seeing him you should so put a little sign around your neck that would hit at just the right level. Wouldn't even really matter what it said...just give him something less personal to view ;-)