Friday, June 29, 2007

I am sooooo hungry!

I am not working today - at the in-laws place killing time until I go to meet J's cousin for lunch.

Yesterday, my lunch was fantastic!

Started with a Frappuccino, then an ice cream (Oreo cookies with chocolate ice cream) and to top it off a cake. A chocolate cake!

I loved it! If someone didnt know me - they would think I am messed up in the head or have a seriously eating disorder. I dont. I think.

Here is thing though - of eating such a bad lunch. By evening, my stomach was flipping up and down. I was hungry and full at the same time. Oh, I had kale for dinner to make up for the delicious but absolutely unhealthy lunch!

Anyhoo, not really recommended....

1 comment:

Vi said...

If I had a lunch like that, I would put on 5lbs instantly! I might as well just spread the choc cake onto my hips instead of eating it!