Thursday, May 24, 2007


The receptionist at my work is very weird. Sometimes she is super nice and sometimes she is just not.

She is older than me and was here before me - so she keeps mentioning to me how has seniority over me. Which is fine by me. I dont care - and she probably is senior to me by 6 months. Whatever.

Here is the thing though - sometimes I have to give her some work to do. I am always very careful to word it properly - I dont want her to think I am being bossy or just plain mean. She on the other hand will will say things as if - she is my boss. Which she is not. To some extent I dont even mind that. I do mind her being borderline rude.

I am worried that it has something to do with me being brown and her not being brown. She can be very racist and has in the past passed comments - not directed towards me - that make you think - "wha...t? did you just say that?"

Its annoying cause she is really good at what she does - but at the sametime - I wish she would be more sensitive. Not for the sake of being sensitive but b/c immigrants to this country do have it easy or are not lazy...or whatever else she might think.


laura b. said...

Ugh, I can't stand people like that who make their little comments as though they have some sort of divine right to voice their ignorance.
I guess in the interest of office peace it would be hard to call her on it, but it must be awfully tempting.

Anonymous said...

You betcha! But I cant....cause she is really good at what she does and office peace is a must!

Anonymous said...

You betcha! But I cant....cause she is really good at what she does and office peace is a must!