Saturday, April 21, 2007

Time to come clean...well sort of!

This is going to be hard but what the hell.

The whole reason I started writing this blog is because all my rantings are never heard by anyone. I talk to myself.
Sometimes I feel I live in a different world. One that people around me dont know anything about. I feel lonely. Extremely lonely sometimes.

But this blog is my way of writing my thoughts down. Even mundane thoughts that nobody else hears or will necessarily get. Doesnt matter.

I feel that ever since I moved to Vancouver, I have no friends. Which is not entirely true. I do. And I have friends and my sister - who might physically not be here but are always there when I need them. Always. Its just hard.

This blog helps me deal with that loneliness. It focuses my attention. Anyways, I think sometimes we all need to know that someone cares. Or to hear that someone cares - we all know deep down that someone cares - maybe we just need to hear it more often.

Sorry for this depressing post - but thought I should put it down in paper - or electronically in this case. For myself.

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