Monday, April 30, 2007

My arch enemy!!!

Yes, I have an arch enemy - dont you? Pah, whats wrong with you?

Anyhoo, my arch enemy works in my building and everytime I see him - which is often - It makes me angry (imagine waving fists and a red face!)

No, my arch enemy is not my enemy b/c he works in my building and is rude to me. He is a friend of J's and I knew him before either of us started working in the building. (However, technically the bldg is my territory as I started to work here first!)

Anyway, he is my arch enemy b/c
a) he is a spoilt rich kid who has everything handed to him, including, I think his job
b) he has an obvious drinking problem - and becomes a total loser when he is drunk
c) I think he hates me b/c I yelled at him at a party - when he was totally hammered and made some comment directed at me.
d) he is extremely rude to me - even in general social settings

Thus, he is my enemy and I dont like him. I do not hate him. Mainly, b/c I know other people with drinking problems and I think I sort of understand that aspect of him. But the being-extremely-rude part I do not get.

Here is the positive in all of this - I think he is afraid of me. Yes, that is positive. No, I really think he afraid of me. I think there is something about all the men I have met, except J, that react in a certain manner of really strong opinionated women. I think the yelling at him - made me unfavourable b/c he didnt think I would. Esp. cause ppl see me as the demure Indian girl.

I think its funny.

1 comment:

Lala said...

Arg, I hate people with that obnoxious sense of entitlement. I knew lots of them growing up and now they all have sweet jobs at Daddy's law firm or Uncle's investment bank. Grrr... They have no right to be so rude!