Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sprain pt 2

So after an utterly boring day yesterday - I thought coming to work would be good for me. Which it is - atleast I am doing something as opposed to nothing....

The doctor I went to was Indian - he pronouned his last name like he was an alien - which pisses me off. You know?
Its like buddy - you are clearly brown and so am I - why the alien pronounciation on your prefectly Indian last name.

Anyhoo, he seemed incompetant - not b/c of his pronounciation - he just seemed like it.

Anyways, so I am still awaiting x-ray results on my ankle. The funny thing is that the results dont come in till 3 days after the x-rays. So till then I am in a limbo....

"Is it a broken bone or just a torn ligament"
"Should I just sit here all day or atleast walk to the beach? Hmm, but what if it is a fracture? Should I be walking at all"
"It doesnt feel like a fracture....but I dont know what a fracture feels like - maybe it is"
"Maybe it is not a fracture after all - I dont feel that much pain...."
On and on and on and on.....

I just want to know.

The other thing is I just realized - no exercise for a month. WTF?
Not that I spend hours in the gym but I walk everywhere. I love it . Now I cant without looking like a loser and people staring at you!


Somehow I think this has all to do with me being nice. One day - I will sit a write all about when I was being nice to everyone and ended up with Chicken Pox - yes I will - you will see how I am not meant to be nice to people!

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