Friday, June 06, 2008


The weather here is atrocious. Really, its like rainy and cloudy and gross all over.

I hate it. It feels like I am in January or something.

I mean its June for chrissake, I dont make it through fall and winter to come back to winter after spring!

I need sunshine to function. I really do.

In other random rants, my in-laws are coming for dinner tomorrow. It will interesting. My mil is a chef so my plan is to cook things before hand and be done before they come. We will see if that happens!

Anyhoo, my coworker, L, is now ready to apply for immigration for JC again. Apparently peace was made and she told him if he ever treated her with disrespect, he should just leave. They were going to lie on their application given JC's marriage status (his divorce not finalized and him marrying L) but now they are going to get married again. Which makes a bit more sense.

She is also getting someone else to help her apply and file the immi papers. I think she thought it would be better if a third party does it. I am frankly glad. I did not want to be involved in anyway. So I think she is going to file the papers sometime this month.

My other coworker, G, is still waiting for a diagnosis. They are trying to rule out cancers and other horrible diseases. She is not too worried as her doctor assured her the chances of it being a major cancer are next to nothing. She still might have lymphoma but a very mild kind that would not require any chemo.

So she is in good spirits.

Which is good.

So all in all, bad weather and two crazy co-workers who keep me distracted from freaking out over other stupid matters. A good thing really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've actually had to opposit in weather here. Like bleeding the height of summer! (Well, for two days at least - I'm sure it will be back to dull and cold again soon!)