Monday, June 16, 2008

Gosh darn it.

I am tired as hell.

I am super tired and cant keep my eyes open. I get why working in the 8th month of your pregnancy is difficult.

I feel so tired and alone sometimes. I mean I dont know that many pregnant women or mums. So its pretty lonely on planet me. I will be busy the first few months after the baby is born w/ family so it will be good. After that though, I plan to join some sort of a 'mummy and me' activities. I think just knowing other moms will be good.

Its so hard this whole thing. Everything in a way.

I was thinking the other day, women really do work like dogs. That is not to say that men sit at home and do nothing but compared to all that women do....really I would want to be born as a man next time around.

I mean once you are a mom, you take care of the baby, the house, the details of running a house (daily things like laundry, food, cleaning and so on), not to mention you still have to be there for your partner and work! Last I checked men dont have to be the boob, the maid, the chef, the worker and the mental notetaker. And all for nothing. No thanks, no you are great, nothing. Nothing at all.

I mean, this whole pregnancy thing has made me so much more aware of women and the larger issues. You know you carry a child inside of you, physically that is hard enough. Your body goes through hell and back, and then you become this new person in a new role and everyone just expects you to go in and take it.

Its freaking hard work. Not to mention not all that physically attractive. You through all of that and everything that comes with it and what then?

I dont know what this post is about. I am just feeling blah I guess.


Trixie said...

Tell me about it. I'm as sick as a dog today, but I've still got to get kids off to school, go to work, clean the house. Urgh.

Joining a mum and tot group is great, helps you make a lot of new friends in the same boat as you.

Viki said...

Trixie- nice thumbnail, very intriguing...