Monday, December 03, 2007


The thing about being a vegetarian and being pregnant is that you get asked to eat meat for the pregnancy.

To start from the start.

I've always been a vegetarian, ever since I was a child. So its not a fashion statement for me. Its not something I just picked up. Everyone I know, knows that I have never had any meat or eggs. NEVER.

So now that I am pregnant it is hard for me to get full nutrition for my jublet and still eat without wanting to throw up. My nausea at seeing spinach doesnt help either!

So, I am trying to drink lots of soy milk, eat lots of vegetables and beans to counter the lack of meat. Also, I am not completely convinced that meat helps all that much - you can easily substitute beans or tofu for protein!

I just hate when someone tells me casually, oh eat some meat and it will be alright. No it wont. First of all, I cant eat meat cause I've never eaten it. Ever. So its not like I will simply be taking up something I stopped. I never started!

Then, telling me to eat meat, casually, makes it seem like I am a bad person for not thinking this, I am bad mother for not thinking about jublet's needs. That is not how this is going to go down! I am very well aware of what I need to eat and am trying my best, but the nausea is not helping.

And also, BTW - my mom is not here. So its not like I get things handed to me. I have make things I want to eat and sometimes, the thought of cooking something makes me sick, even though I want to eat it and know that I should be eating it. (J, tries to help but the man has to work!) So, you telling me eat meat doesn't help!

So, the gist of this rant is I am trying my freaking best without any help and I am already stressed and tired and nauseous all the time and you calling me and telling me eat meat - pushes me over the edge, especially when I am already kind of on that line anyways. Thank you very much!

(BTW - the casual suggestion was put forward, in all her well meant kindness by none other than my mil. And I would have told her all this except I cant fight over the phone and was just too tired so I said yes, she was right and hung up)


Vi said...

you dont NEED to eat meat in prenancy, as you said you can get your protien from pulses. If the medical profession THINK you are not getting enough iron, which is important when pregnant, they'll just give you some tablets. Just keep eating the way you normally do.

laura b. said...

If you have been a vegetarian all your life, you certainly know how to get your nutrients!
I think most mils just want to push their ideas forward. You can feel free to thank her for her suggestions and then ignore them

Anonymous said...

vi - yes, I am very careful of what I eat and if I eat anything unhealthy - I counter it by something good. I just wish she hadnt said that...

laura - I think that what I did. I said yes and then hung up and drank some soy milk! Love chocolate soy milk!

Anonymous said...

Blue Witch says:

Just dropping by - and, as a fellow long-term vegetarian, felt compelled to comment.

If she says that again, tell her that it could actually be *harmful* to jublet if you *do* eat meat after all these years.

Your body may not be able to immediately produce the chemicals it needs in order to digest/break down all the proteins (amino acids) in meat products, which could leave you feeling quite queasy.

Proteins are broken down into their constituent amino acids during digestion - these are then absorbed and used to make new proteins in the body.

A varied vegetarian diet provides more than enough sources for all the 8 essential amino acids - our bodies can make the other 12 it needs. If you've been healthy up to now, being pregnanat isn't going to make a difference - although obviously you need to eat a few grams more of protein (in some form) every day.

All the amino acids humans need for optimal health are found in plant foods. When you think about it, this makes sense, because where do the cow and chicken get these amino acids (that end up in the meat carnivores eat)?

Good luck!