Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I found out by mistake really, what cures morning sickness - dark chocolate. I was packing a piece of chocolate cake for J and put a bit in my mouth and viola, I felt better!


Ok, maybe this is common knowledge to everyone but I just found this out and I am sticking to it. I have more reason to eat dark chocolate - in moderation, of course!


Vi said...

Hey, if it works!

Ginger biscuits also help!

laura b. said...

I never heard of it as a common cure, but if it works for you that is all that matters!

Viki said...

vi, laura - trust me chocolate works. Also the weirdest thing that works almost instantly is pressing two fingers firmly but gently into your belly button. Apparently it is a pressure point and relieves nausea! It truly works and is less fattening than chocolate!