Thursday, December 06, 2007

i just found out that the other job opening with some other place that was a possiblity is not anymore.

Its disappointing and it feels like all the doors are slamming on my face.

Although, somehow I dont care. It doesnt matter. In the larger scheme of things its peanuts. Its like jublet within me has come along just at the right time. It almost doesnt matter where I work, if I work, if I want to work - nothing matters.

I am so happy with where I am right now that everything else is peanuts. And if the time comes when I actually might not have a job for whatever reason - I'll find something. I've always had the weirdest luck - it all works out for the best in the end and I find for me that is true more than anything else. Somehow, things fall into place and considering a lot things and taking into account all the people around me - I am lucky. It just kind of works out. Which is what will happen. So screw the world and let me focus on what I need to and want to more than anything else. Jublet! Which apparently is now the size of a cherry!


laura b. said...

If you have a choice about whether or not to work when the baby comes, well yeah, consider yourself VERY fortunate :-)

Vi said...

Hey sweetie, If I dont get a chance to visit you again before I leave to Oz, I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas! Hope you have a good one!.

Viki said...

laura - I might go back to school

vi - thanks! Same to you.