Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What the hell!

So the thing that has been bugging me but I havent written it down here is that I have some symptoms of being pregnant.
But they are some. I have been going back and forth on this issue and am nowhere....

Here is the thing though - the waiting to know is getting to me. At this point I dont care if I am pregnant or not - I just want to know.
Partially cause then I can start acting pregnant and taking all the precautions of being pregnant. Or not and going on a drinking binge.

Either ways I want to know.

If you have been pregnant you will know what I am talking about....


laura b. said...

Well, you either are or you aren't! :-D There are tests now that are accurate from practically the moment you conceive. Test Viki! I hope you get the news you want.

Viki said...

Thanks! I dont know what I want...either way i will be disappointed I think....

I have tried the tests - they are all negative! Just have to wait and watch!

laura b. said...

Maybe next month ;-)