Friday, December 29, 2006

So we have finally found a place to move to....

J is already having second thoughts but I like it.
But that's just him. He always overthinks these things. I mean we were nearly on the verge of tears not having found a place. And now we have and he is asking me if I like it. Of course I like it.

Anyhoo, this place is right by the water and is amazing. Will put up pictures when I have them.

Other than that, we are being suckered into going for dinner w/ this family friends of J's parents. It sucks. They including J's parents always talk about how I am a vegetarian. Especially his dad. Every meal I have with him in the room, and I am not exaggerating, every meal he will mention the word vegetarian or non-meat eater. I am getting sick of it. Good thing we are leaving.

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