Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I am the kind of person who likes to plan in advance. Not over-plan anything but plan it well so nothing goes wrong. I feel you can never start too early but you can start too late!
My work is one such place. There has been something going on at work and honestly I dont know what. The ED is on leave and the staff are wondering who is the head. We are often wondering who to email stuff to and who not to.
Now there is an event in October that we usually offer. This event, being an event, needs planning. This has not been done. For the past month, we have been asking if this event is infact going to occur and if it is - we need to start planning right away. Today I get the news that we are in-fact going ahead with this event and we are starting to plan for something that is 3 weeks away. I can tell we need more time.
But nooooooooooo, that would make everyone's life easy and they cant do that can they?
So guess who gets chosen to run with this project? Yours truly!
As much as I like a challenge and this one will be a good one - I really think it will be smart for the org to drop this one out. Too many things are bound to go wrong and everything will come down to my head!

Damned to need to buy good clothes and eat good food!!!!

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