Friday, September 22, 2006


Natak is a Hindi word for Drama. As in stage performance but is also used as in someone being dramatic, or just someone being a drama queen.
Now this is what I think epitomizes Natak.
My lovely husband - likes to do natak every once in awhile (who doesn't?)
So yesterday being Thursday was a vegetarian day at home. Now this has nothing to with any Indian philosophy. My in-laws just don't eat meat, albeit grudgingly, on Thursday. Why you may ask - cause they are religious and would like to do so.
I have no problems with that - you believe in something go ahead and believe it -- just don't shove it down my throat.
Bless them - they never have - although this might have something to do with me being a vegetarian!

Anyways, Now I mentioned that my in-laws are religious and sometimes a little too much, I think, and J has always thought so.
He is always the one condemning them for a thousand 'tree burning' ceremonies and 'temple thumping' (as I like to describe it).
So yesterday I make dinner - a complete Hindu vegetarian dinner that would make any Hindu vegetarian proud.

I then defrost a chicken breast at the gentle cajoling of my mil - she only mentioned 5 times 'what would J eat today'. As far as I was concerned - he could eat whatever. I had made dinner, if he did not like it, he could make something himself. I, being a dil of course, did not say this b/c however forward my mil thinks she is - she really is not when it comes to men cooking for themselves, although she'd like to think she is (and I don't like to point that out as you might've guessed).
Anyways, so I marinate the chicken and then go downstairs to dress for the gym. Oh did I forget to mention that I postponed gym for 2 hours (while cooking dinner and marinating chicken).
Anyways - I go downstairs and J is home. While I am stepping out I tell J 'I marinated chicken for you'.
He goes into tantrum mode - which I have to say I found funny.
He accused me to "trying to feed him chicken on Thursday, when he has for the past 1 month been trying to avoid eating meat on Thursdays and I was informed that he was trying to hint this to me. This, of course, is news to me. Not only b/c I know my husband will never be a vegetarian cause he likes to eat anything that crawls on this planet and relish it to its fullest but also because he is not religious at all, in fact, it physically hurts him to go to the temple every once in two years. The was it seems to me is that he'd rather die and come back as a dog the next life than step into the temple. For all I know he is the anti-Christ himself (there is no Hindu equivalent of the anti-Christ hence the borrowing from the Christian philosophy. Sorry!)

Now - this is more funny because that my lovely dear husband does this all the time. He becomes religious and then complains that his parents are too religious.
So him telling me that he trying not to eat meat on Thursdays just means 'I am feeling religious this month next month might be different'.

Lets see how long this lasts.

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