Thursday, September 21, 2006

King of Queens

I was watching an episode of King of Queens yesterday - dont know if it was repeat but anyways - it was the one where Deacon and Kelly tell Carrie and Doug that they cant hang out together cause they found another couple with kids. The episode was funny cause the rest of the time, Carrie and Doug go around looking for a new couple...that is now us. Really literally every couple we know either already has kids or is about to pop one out.
That is wierd coincidence. Considering that many of the couples we know are much younger than J.
Anyways it it bugs me to no end - I dont know if it is b/c I want to be one of them or it is b/c we are loosing all of our friends cause everyone has their shit together and we dont. Maybe we do but you know what I mean?
Anyways - today I was feeling guilty about being preggers and then it dawned on me why shd I? Just b/c all of our friends have gotten busy for the past yr doesnt mean I have to....besides I made a life change by moving here and leaving everything behind back home I think J can live w/o a child for a yr. I think it will be alright.

Anyways - that my rant for the day.
Other than that - mil is on a no-talk zone w/ me now. It bugs me b/c she is so passive-aggressive...just say what you want to say and get over it. Dont sulk and make faces and leave me to guess what the fuck is wrong w/ you. I'd much rather hear someone yell and scream and get it all out that play this game.
I wonder what motivates ppl to do this....
Doesnt it ever bug you that ppl just store any negative feelings and dont deal with it?

Speaking of negative feelings -I have consciously tried to think positive. Its a different world out there - when you are being positive no this will never happen whats the point crap - just true be positive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its the same for everyone. If you are single and your friends get married they start hanging out with married couples and when they have kids they start hanging out with married couples with kids. They feel like they have more in common and can talk about their kids.

Married couples with kids can't go out as much anymore...their life becomes their kids.