Monday, September 18, 2006


Ok, for some reason I feel very feisty today...dont really know why.
I also feel like moving and running and jumping...I feel like having a rhythm....

Didnt have all that good of a weekend and I could very well find out that I dont have a job come October but I feel strangely up....something is up....I can feel it - its moving and creating this buzz in my head.
I can always tell...

I have been actively posting on Orkut...its good. I met so many school mates its wierd all of them grown up ready to face the world. Have also made new friends...which is nice since after moving to this city my list of friends quickly was a list no more....
Have been in touch with Violet - she is adjusting to her new life in UK. Which is nice and everytime I email her or get an email from her - I go back 5 years...when I first moved here and it was new, exciting, different, depressing, totally cool, and totally boring all at the same time.

I miss those days - it was a lot of fun in Victoria....but alas no more.

Song of the hour - Suddenly I see - KT Turnstall.

So I really have nothing to say - just this rhythm that makes me want dance and run....
It all started after I found out that A.K. were pregnant. That leaves only me and J without a child . Really! Which makes me sad - totally sad cause I know that this is killing J like no other thing in the world. It is killing me too. But at the same time - there is the rhythm. Its beating in my head. Things seem ok for the first time in some odd weeks. Why? I have no freaking clue - but they do.
I just think - and it became clear to me just today while I was eating my Couscous...that its not the time or what is really happening that is making me sad..its what is around me. And if that is the case - then it really doesnt matter does it? Cause its around me and I can choose not to be around this toxicity....Get it? I cant explain it.

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