Friday, February 29, 2008


I love waffles. My new love is having some warm waffles with whipped cream (no sugar) and slices of freshly cut oranges on top.

It tastes lovely. Better than any maple syrup or butter or anything else. Of course fresh fruit is always better than canned or preserved fruit but seriously try the oranges with whipped cream. It is so simple yet delicious.


I cant believe that the baby will arrive in 4 months. When we found out we were pregnant I was like oh my god - 8 months go and now its like 4 months and boom - we will be there!

I have to do so many things before then though. Like redo the bedroom in a way that we can fit a crib in there and so on. I mean, I live in a one bedroom place. It is small but I think for the first half of the baby's life we can survive. Only problem is we need to buy another closet to put baby stuff in and buy a new mattress for us. We were going to buy a king size bed but decided against it as there is no place. So we buy a decent mattress for the queen size we have and if we move things around - it should be fine.


Also, J is like "I cant change diapers". He said this after knowing for 4 months that we are going to have a baby which will only do one of these things - poop, cry, sleep and eat. Since I have to be there to be a milk cow for the child and carry it in me for 9 months and have to think about pushing it out of me - he has to change the diapers. I told him - he has no say. Its non-negotiable. Anyways, he was freaking out a bit about the thought of changing diapers and I am thinking - "Buddy, changing diapers is the easiest of the tasks compared to what I have to go through". I am hoping he will make peace with this by the time baby comes. If not, I think I might just loose it.


My mil is going crazy. She is very superstitious and super duper religious. One does not automatically come with the other but in her case they go together. So, she can be pretty annoying at times when she says things like "oh we are not telling anyone you are pregnant as something might happen". I get that line of thought when I was in my first trimester but now, its like obvious. I have a belly. I also feel wierd about it as my parents have been telling anyone who will listen that they will be grand parents. It almost feels like my in-laws are trying to hide something.

The other thing is my in-laws lived either in India or Fiji before moving to Canada. So they are used to tropical temperatures and keep the house at like 25 degrees all the time. Like all the time. So as soon as you enter you have to remove a few layers just to function. So, the other day we were visiting them and someone comes over - just to visit them. And I kid you not - she comes running to me with the biggest, thickest, black jacket she can find. It was big and thick and she tells me to wear it. Like she is holding the jacket open for me and telling me "oh maybe you should put this on". I looked at her like she is crazy and actually could not say anything b/c my mind was blank. Anyways, she is like "oh put it on". I said - "no - I am not wearing that and I am leaving" I also told her that she might want to tell other people that I am pregnant. At which she says, oh these people already know.

I give her a look and J is looking at her as if she is crazy. We then figure out why she wanted me to wear the jacket - b/c she thinks my clothes were too tight. I dont like wearing mumus so I just wear my regular clothes that stretch and she in her wierd superstitious way does not like that people can look at my belly. Anyways, it was crazy.

She comes up with other crazy things like, I cannot look at the moon during eclipse or crazy things like I cannot drink milk, eat yogurt or soy milk - which means that I will get osteoporosis.

Yea she is crazy.


Spiky Zora Jones said...

HI vicky...Oh 4 months will pass quickly now. yay...then you will be a mommy.

Honey I used to wear stretchy clothes too. I just couldn't wear a mu-mus. It made me feel like the wind would blow me away.

hehehe..have you seen new fathers change a diaper. I laughed my arse off when I saw Vince with his t-shirt up just below his watery eyes and he still gagged. I smile now just thinking about him running out of the nursery.

You have to get your movie camera out on his first attempts to change a poop filled diaper. It makes it all worth it.

have a fab weekend Viki.

Vi said...

4 months to go!!!! I can't wait!!!

woohooo!!!! I think I'm more excited than you! This is my first blog baby that I'm following the progress of!