Tuesday, February 26, 2008


There were times when I could not stand milk.

I now crave milk. Its very odd. I drink milk everyday but I also crave things like ice creams, whipped cream and yogurt.

Its for the milk - maybe the fat too. Its odd. I hate whipped cream. I hate it. And yesterday, I was sitting and watching TV and suddenly I wanted whipped cream.

I feel like eating ice cream everyday. I dont b/c I dont want to be 500 pounds but I really could eat it every single day.

I drink milk by itself. Which is good and nutritious. I love horlicks. If you are not familiar with horlicks I suggest to go out and buy a bottle. It is the most delicous thing ever!


Vi said...

and all the calcium is good for the baby!!!! Go on, have the icecream!!

Lala said...

Whoa - love the new blog look! Haven't heard of horlicks. What is it?

Viki said...

vi - I caved and had ice cream for lunch again. So I am not allowed any ice cream for 30 days. Any other milk product is okay. But damn it is so delicious!

lala - thanks. Horlicks is like ovaltine or milo. But its white and it is most delicious thing ever. Oh, its also usually for children but what the hell!

laura b. said...

Your body is telling you what it needs I guess. I have always really liked milk, but over the years I have weaned myself onto non-fat. I used to hate it, but now the other kinds taste too creamy to me.