Friday, July 13, 2007

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Greed!

How Sinful Are You?

Brought to you by Tickle

And it's affecting your life in ways you might not realize. For one thing, if you aren't careful, your drive to lead an extravagant life may ultimately be your downfall. What you think of as necessary can be construed as excess by others. So you, in particular, should beware of prioritizing worldly possessions above other things and allowing this to take precedence over your personal relationships.

If you continue to do so, you might find yourself jeopardizing the things that are most important to you.


Vi said...

So do you agree with that?

Viki said...

vi - sure why not, my sin is that I want to be rich...which is fine I think. Who doesnt?
I just want to be able to pay off my debts and make sure ppl I love can live comfortably...I am sinner!