Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yes, its raining. Its awesome.
Last week so hot - it was unbelievable.

The next exciting(....not) thing in my life is that I being taken camping. No I dont want to.
I hate nature mostly because I am allergic to most of it. Also, I believe in the urban way of life. Yes, that is it. Its a way of life that I have respect for and that I believe in (I could be a good spin doctor....).

Anyhoo, so camping is the last week of July. Which sucks cause I live right by the beach - couldnt we just camp there? Apparently not!

I did not know that you have to take so many things for camping. Whats the point? By the time you are done - you end up taking all of life luxuries with you in the wild. Real campers would go with nothing but themselves. Yeah! Go live in the forest - you will be very close to it cause you wont have your cans and can openers. Hunt for meat and tear the flesh apart with your own bare hands - no utensils or cutlery. That is what being close to nature means to me.

I also know that I am too much of a wuss to do camping survivor style - so I just wont do it! Everyone else who wants to be closer to nature can go buckwild.
Yes, I used the word buckwild!

Okay, dont ranting for now!

1 comment:

laura b. said...

Oh, I'm with you! Everyone else can go camping and I will stay home, sleep in a bed with sheets and everythin, pee in something that is not just an open pit, and eat something not cooked to a burned crisp or raw state over an open flame.