Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This sort has to do with my last post. I am still humming the music mentioned there...and thinking....

Do you ever wonder how it would have been to be the first set of humans. I do - all the time. Imagine. Everything around you was new.

Yes, I want that new earth feeling. The emptiness of places. The sandy beaches that were new.

Yes, new. The places that were never walked on before...not the used feeling you get now.

As an early human - you knew that certain places were relatively new. Yes, animals and some other pro-humans had walked there...but it was still new.

Not UNTOUCHED! That's what the colonialists' wanted. No, I don't want that.

Its like....what William Cronan says in the 'The Trouble With Wilderness'. No, I am not looking for wilderness with the intent of seeing untouched places. I want new. Fresh and not used. Not polluted.

When you walk on that sand - you know its clean - it is not polluted with plastic or worse.

Anyone ever feel that?

1 comment:

Brian said...

Walking on fresh snow has a newness about it, don't you think? Fresh footprints with untouched snow all around them, wonderful.

Taking one small step further, what about the Astronauts walking on the moon, their footprints are still there, forever, barring a meteor strike.