Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yippee-yay, yippee-yippee-yay-yay

You Should Play the Violin

You are highly intelligent, and mastering difficult subjects never intimidates you.
And while you may not be musical yet, you have a good ear - and you're sensitive to subtle differences in music.

You are dedicated and studious. You have a great work ethic.
You study well under a teacher, and you don't mind repeating tasks or following instructions.

Expressive and moody, you are very likely to convey a variety of rich emotions through your music.
You are definitely a passionate person... passionate enough to truly love the violin.

Your dominant personality characteristic: your high intelligence

Your secondary personality characteristic: your sensitivity


laura b. said...

You knew you were a violinist at heart :-)

Vi said...

I love these quizzes, they can be so accurate. I'm a saxophone, may have to post it another time.