Friday, January 04, 2008

Crazy, hormonal pregnant woman.


All I can think of is Food. After the baby of course. I am turning silly.

First of all, I cant think of anything else but the baby. Like I dont even care about anything else right now at all. Last night I was all sad that once the baby is born - I wont be able to carry it around in my belly anymore. Does that sound stupid? I know I have a long ways to go and yada yada yada. But that thought made me super sad. Once the baby is born - I cant protect it and take care of it like I am doing right now. While it is inside of me - I can do whatever to make sure its okay but once its born - it is a seperate being. Anyways, J thought I was being silly.

And then there is food. I love food. I could eat it anytime. Speaking of which - I should go find some.


Vi said...

Thats totally normal mate. Mrs P doesn't like anyone near her when she is in a crowded pub. Don't worry, the last month, you wont be able to wait to get the baby out of you, you be so uncomfortable! But then you'll also want to to stay, cause you know your life will change forever!

Viki said...

Thanks, Vi - its good to know someone gets it.