Friday, January 11, 2008


I love ultrasounds!

I got one done yesterday. It was the most amazing thing ever. I got to see little jublet. It was moving around. Trying to hide from the ultrasound scanner. Jublet looks so much like a human except that its only 5 centimeters!

It is pretty amazing to see your baby inside of you. I love new technology!

Anyways, I have been sick as a dog. I have a cold and had some fever yesterday. I feel okay. Still feverish. I think I am going to have to go back home!

Anyways, hopefully I will feel better soon!


Brian said...

My eldest daughter Elaine was X-rayed while in the womb and I was lucky enough to see it. It was amazing to see a tiny little skeleton curled up inside my wife's pelvis.

laura b. said...

Ultrasounds are amazing. In another few weeks or so, they will be able to tell the you want to know ahead of time or be surprised?

Vi said...

yep, it makes it all so much real when you see them on the screen!

Viki said...

Brain, Laura and Vi - it was amazing to see little jublet running around inside. Very real. If I had any doubts about being pregnant - this definitely undid all of them!

Laura, no, I dont want to know what the sex of the baby is. I dont really care what it is as long as it is healthy.