Sunday, November 02, 2008

Right now I am all alone at home, was watching a movie...and now listening to K cry....

Hmm, must go tend to him...

Ok, yea, so motherhood is definitely the hardest thing I have done and am enjoying it a lot....

Its weird how everything becomes about the baby and you kind of dont care about that...

ok, he is crying again....

I am re-thinking this pacifier thing...thing is now, he kind of needs it to sleep...not a good thing.

Anyhoo, yea its weird how babies become the centre of your world and you dont seem to mind that much.

He is a handful though, already has a personality at 3 months old! Its cute.

In many ways I cant wait for him to grow up and many ways I dont want him to grow up.



laura b. said...

It really is amazing how these tiny creatures become your whole world.

Trixie said...

Don't feel bad about giving in to a dummy. I fought it, but gave up after 3 weeks (you've done well to last this long!) The boys gave them up after a few months, and it's easier to give up a dummy than it is a thumb!

Viki said...

laura, trixie - yes, K is my world. I was thinking if I want to go back to school or do something else...and part of me wants to be a stay at home mom.

Nothing would make me happier. I know that he wont need me as much as he grows up and blah blah but really how can you leave your kids with some stranger!

Not to mention the number of pedophiles that seem to find work in elementary schools and such. Just last month some guy was caught doing something nasty to a young child. It freaks me out.