Monday, November 17, 2008

The delivery - part 2

J, my sis and myself get into the car to go to the hospital. My midwife was to follow us and meet us there.

The hospital is 5 minutes away so we drive. We get there and J dropped me and my sis off. Since it was almost 12 midnight we had to enter through the emergency entrance. So my sis and myself walk in. I am trying to tell them I am having a baby (as if it wasnt obvious enough). There are two cops there with a man who obviously got into a fight. One of the cop looks at me and says "how far are your contractions". I say, just to get him off my back "Ten minutes". He says "Oh, thats too far off, you are going to be here for awhile. Maybe you should go back home". I give him look and try to get myself a chair or something. Meanwhile my sis is trying to register me. The nurse keeps saying "oh no, we need a carecard (medical card all Canadians have). I am like, "I am in pain, my husband is coming with the carecard". The nurse is arguing with my sis. I am looking around for something to lean against. J shows up and we are processed and sent through.

So now we are in the birthing suite. My midwife is there. She explains that the attending ob/gyn will be here shortly. I am having another contraction and this time there are tears rolling down my cheeks and I am screaming. I ask for Nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Man, that stuff is awesome. I know it works for some and doesnt work for others. It worked for me. I am big fan of that stuff.

Anyways, the ob/gyn comes in and I was kind of loopy by this point thanks to the laughing gas, she breaks my water and says if things dont progress they would give me the oxytocin. I was kind of hoping for the best.

After this part I remember bits and pieces but what essentially happened was that - my midwife informed me that I was dilating on my own and they would wait to see what happens. After a little while they checked me again and told me things were going fine and that I should soon be able to start pushing. Mind you when they broke my water it was around 2amish and the time when I was able to start pushing was around 4.30 in the morning. I recall people coming in the room and leaving but nothing significant. I do recall pushing my mother in law away. I think what happened was that I was starting a contraction and she was trying to hold me and I was screaming but pushing her away. Dont recall much though.

What I do recall and very clearly at that is that I asked for the epidural. Now they tell you that from the time you ask for the epi and by the time you get it - its about an hour to hour and half. The process takes that long. So I was ok. I thought I am 7 cms dilated. I know I cant take the pain so the guy should be here sometime before the pain gets worse. Not really. So the nurse informs me that they will get the process started. They were looking for the anesthesiologist. After what seemed like forever, the nurse comes back saying that he was stuck in the OR and there was no one else on that night. She says he should be out in a hour. By this time I know what that means. I am super loopy but I know this is going to go on without the epidural. So I keep sucking on the laughing gas and the other nurse says we can give her another IV pain killer till the anesthesiologist gets here. So they put the IV in and start the pain killer. This is much milder form of pain killer. What I remember after that is me screaming off and on. I remember the nurse, my midwife and J telling me various things like to push, to breathe and to drink some more gatorade. I remember the feeling of being in pain but not the pain. Just the feeling of absolute white pain. At around 5.58 am I remember my midwife telling me he is out. I remember seeing the clock and then seeing a crying little baby on me!

It was the most incredible feeling ever. I dont think I can describe it. It was tears and joy and pain and everything. And he was so tiny. I remember thinking that he was a complete human being just tiny. Its just incredible.


Trixie said...

Awwww...all the pain was worth it in the end...and also gettingt o push the MiL and not getting in trouble for it!

Viki said...

Trixie - LOL yea.