Monday, October 13, 2008


So J just started working again. Yes, he had 2 and half months of parental leave.

Since he doesnt know about my blog I couldnt post, besides I didnt have the time. Man, babies are a lot of work. But in a good way;o)

Its been a weird few months. I mean, I went from being pregnant to being a mom, from being full time employed to being at home...

I am enjoying this as I love spending time with my little guy, who I will call K for the purposes of this blog.

Anyways, my parents were in town and so was my sis. They left awhile ago. Its weird you know, I went from being surrounded by people to being alone (well sort of alone). I miss them terribly. I wish they were here so I could spend more time with them.

Anyways, I guess its all good.

I am hating the weather at the moment though! I know is October but its freaking raining and I cant actually go out, cause its freezing and I dont really want K to be exposed to the weather if he doesnt need to be.

He is teething! He is 3 months old (will be on Oct 20) and he is teething. I am afraid for my boobs, as once the teeth come in it will be painful! I guess I will have to switch to bottles full time.

What else?

There lots of things I could post about but I dont know what to write and what not to write, so I guess I will leave it for now.

Good to be back though!


Trixie said...

He may be teething now hon, but it still may take a good six omtnhs to come through, so your boobs still have a break! lol.

laura b. said...

It is wonderful to see you here again! You have been through a lot of changes lately, for sure. I know K makes it all worthwhile :-)