Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Back Home

We all know things change. Mostly for the good - here. But some of it isfor the bad.

People who you thought were cool are not - whats more they never were....

Politics. A lot of it.

The funny thing is a lot of my cousins are now out of the country - India. I.e. They have made it big. Their parents think so - they have changed. And not for the better.

And it is all so materialistic. Its all about stuff and all about money.

As a kid you would never know money did that to people.

Oh well.

Its not all been bad. I have eating my heart out. Things that you dont get in Vancouver. Stuff that only your mum can make.

So that is good. I love the fact that I hae true friends in this part of the world. I saw them in 3 years and they havent changed a bit.

I admire my lil sis day by day. I am so proud of her. She is doing so good inspite of all the negativity around her.

My parents well - they are my parents. What else can I say?


Its been a trip. A trip to the motherland. I leave on the 4th!

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