Thursday, December 11, 2008

power shopping

I did some power shopping yesterday. Crossed off everyone except K and J on my list. K is easy. J is a bit tricky cause anything I buy he will know as it shows up on the visa bill.

Anyways, I am paying for the power shopping today I am so tired its not even funny.

Unlike before I have baby who loves attention. So there I was in the mall shopping and K was soaking in all the happiness. He then refused to eat as there was too much distraction.

So I kept going to the parents room every hour as he would eat for a few minutes and then get distracted by whoever else came in. It was tiring. Anyways, I did finish most of the shopping and K had a grand old time, smiling at grandmas and looking all cute. He also got his photo taken with Santa - which was fun.

Anyways, my legs hurt, my back hurts and all I want to do is pass out.

This holiday season makes me want to have my own place like never before. I mean the place we are at is fine. But you cant have real christmas trees or anything. Next year if we do have our own place I would really decorate it. Trees, lights and most of all lots of warmth and cheer and maybe some cookies...

1 comment:

laura b. said...

It is a LOT more work shopping with a baby or young child in tow. I bet K was quite the charmer though :-)