Monday, October 29, 2007


Apologies for being away. Now that I am back to work I will write more.

There are several pros and cons to being back to work...

Being at work
Having to work
Getting up early and getting dressed and ready in a matter for 30 minutes.
Having to get out of the house when it is raining.
Using you brain again.

Seeing work mates again.
Seeing my ex-crush again (donno if that makes him my crush again. I think not.)
Wearing new clothes that you bought from the outlet malls.
Listening to music while on the bus
Using your brain again.

Ok, hopefully I will have the Florence update the next time I log in.


Vi said...

Bah! If only we didn't have to work! But then we wouldn't be able to go on hols.

laura b. said...

Independently wealthy, that is the way to go :-)