Thursday, February 08, 2007

Get it off my chest

I just need to get it off my chest. Yesterday was a bad day.
I came to work. After work as previously decided I took the car back to the in-laws house to pick up a few things. On my way there I noticed that the car was acting funny.
I made it to the house, picked up whatever I could think of was most necessary and left. Picked J up on the way. We got to the apmt and went out to eat.

During our meal I realized I had forgotten the shower curtain. No worries, I said, we take a bucket bath like in India. After dinner at around 9.30ish J mentions he will drive to the house and pick up the shower curtain. I just say, at this time of the night? Big mistake. He lost it. Anyways, then he was complaining how things needed to be order (this is why think he has either OCD or OCPD) anyways, I got somethings in order and then he asks, 'Soooo, what are you doing now?' Clearly, he wanted me to get the shower curtain. I said I will go get it.

I got to the house picked up a few things again and left. Not 5 minutes into the ride - I notice that the engine is dangerously hot. I pull over at the gas station. Call my in-laws asking them what to do. They tell me to wait there and they will come by. While waiting I get approached by two homeless guys on either side of me asking my what happened to my car. They walked away.

Anyways, the in-laws came and helped me out. J didnt know anything about this. Long story short the car wasnt going to work. So I called J told him what happened leaving out the homeless guys....and he tells me angrily, 'Stay at the house, I dont care, I will walk to work'. So I say no the your parents are dropping me off. Which they do. J's dad asks me Why didnt J come with you?

Anyways I get home. He is fast asleep. I clear out few things. Get to bed. Wake up and while I am preparing to leave - J gets out of the shower and asks me why didnt you leave. And I am like 'Well in case you need something'. He is like 'I can find things on my own'. I leave then.

He calls me on my cell 10 minutes later....asking my if I brought his belt. I saw no. He starts complaining.

I am trying not to cry. I am not asking for a lot here. I know that the house is a mess but for chrissake, we just moved. I packed most of the boxes cause J was busy. I am going unpack most of the boxes cause he is an asshole.

Dont get me wrong - I know I married an asshole. I know it. I just didnt think he wouldnt even think twice about letting me go at 10 at night to pick up a shower curtain.


Brian said...

Why's he being so nasty to you?

Brian said...
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Viki said...

cause he is an asshole....

(You are out there - havent read a new post from you for awhile....)

Jennifer said...

why did you marry him?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - cause I can be just as difficult and I know that.
Besides, he got some good old fashioned scolding from his father. Which was fun to watch!